Thursday 10 December 2015

In Time's Of Terror: Coming Together As One

Through out time, the world has come together to over come many terrible things that have happen to one and other, but when the time comes to stand together to change something for the better the majority of people shy away as if it would harm them in some way. It is a terrible thing that it takes an acts of violence to bring people together but we are unable to come together to change something for the greater good.

"Iconic building world wide light up with French Flag
After Paris attacks" .Photograph. UberTopic. 
14 Nov 2015
The terrorist attacks on Paris this passing month are a perfect example of how only acts of violence can bring us together as a people. In this photo it shows iconic buildings all over the world lighting up in the colors of the. French flag to show there support to the french people. This photograph proves that it the only thing that can bring us together as one are acts of violence by use of the bright red, white, and blue colors to demonstrate the support and hope the people all around the world having for the french people in there hard time.

"How Paris Stood With the U.S. After 9/11" .Photograph. Time.

Nov. 14, 2015
The terrorist attacks on the world trade center in the U.S.A is another perfect example on how the world will only come together to fight acts of violence. This photo shows the people of France laying the U.S.A flag down in front of their Eiffel Tower to show there support for the American people during this scary and hard time. With the use of bright red, white, and blue colors of the flag to show the support and hope the French people have for the American people. Also, the dark gloomy grey and black colors show the sadness the French people feel for the American people. 
"Can GMO's Help End World Hunger?"
.Photograph. Kriscarr.
March.15, 2014

In contrast to the fact that only acts of violence can bring us together we see this supported by seeing events and movements that can only bring a positive outcome getting very little to no backing from people. In this photograph it shows the ratio of how much food is wasted (1 third) to the amount of hungry people there are in the world (1 in 7). This fact this photo presents strongly supports that the only thing that can bring people together are acts of violence because there are multiple people and organisations in the world that work towards solving world hungry in a nonviolent way that have little to nothing supporting them for there cause but when it comes to extremest groups that go violent and hurt people the hole world comes together to put a stop the pain they are causing. The only difference between the violence acts of people and the hunger that happens in the world is that even tho they kill people like each other hunger is nonviolent.
"The Evolution Of Green Events" .Photograph.
Business Essentials.
August. 23, 2013

Along with world hunger, global warming and any Eco-friendly idea gets little to no support for the cause they stand for. In this photo we see a man who has a green out look on the future standing is a healthy field with a large ring of empty chairs surrounding him. By using the circle of chairs to create a focal point pointing to the single man standing in the middle this photo proves that people will not come together to change things for the greater good because there is only a single man standing there surrounded by a large circle of empty chairs.

To conclude, the world is a place where no one is able to come together for the greater good but when an act of terror or violence people just at the chance to have there say in the matter.

1 comment:

  1. I agree completely with what you are saying because not many people knew about Malala Yousafzai before the taliban attacked her and shot her in the face. after that is when people got involved, which shows how serious and violent situations need to get for people to take notice and come together.
