Thursday 10 December 2015

GMO Foods: The Bad and The Ugly

GMO Foods: The Bad and The Ugly

I believe Genetically Modified Organisms show that some farmers and the government care more about the profit made rather than the health of the people eating the food. This is shown in the four pictures I have chosen.

gmo-monsanto-protest-toronto.jpgThis photo is about the GMO Debate that has been going around the world. In the foreground you can see the poster that says BAN GMO and the skeleton that is supposed to show what GMOs can do to you. Then in the middle ground you can see all the people who also believe that GMOs should be banned. The poster is in yellow to standout in the crowd and you can see many other signs in the background trying to get there point across. All of the people!      in the photo look to have the same look on their face, like they have
/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/deri been out there in the heat for a while protesting and are not backing
vatives/16x9_620/gmo-monsanto-protest-toro down until they get what they are their for.

This photo is my personal favourite. It shows that you never know what you're really eating when they're made with GMOs. The pair is paired with an apple and the staples are used to help it stay together. It's never that easy to see. Look at the tomato on the far right, it looks normal but it has been injected with GMOs to make it larger. This is used to make the food bigger so they can charge more per tomato. The tomatoes are put on a white background to make the tomatoes stand out. The tomato on the left is one grown without any GMOs and as your eye follows the tomatoes from smaller to larger there is increasingly more GMOs in the fruit.

This photo is much like the last photo. It also shows the difference between foods made with GMOs and ones made normally. The tomato on the left is the one grown without any GMOs and it is a natural organic tomato. The one on the right was made GMOs and it has been grown all that way all its life. Its a larger tomato which means that the buy will pay more for that tomato than a normal tomato. Its is up against a lighter color back ground to help the size look greater for both tomato. The light is shining in from the right of the tomatoes to show the sheen      on them and how similar they are. The normal tomato is better for you -Feature.jpg because it was grown in a farm not in a science lab.

This photo is a look at corn seeds. The hand on the right has corn seed in it and that corn seed makes natural organic fresh grown corn. The corn on the left is corn from a GMO lab. This corn has been made so that when it is grown it it makes larger husks of corn and they can charge more money for and they can produce more for less of a price. The two hands belong to the same body, one is a normal hand, and the other is one with a glove on so that nothing seeps into the skin of the holder to get them sick. This is a picture of real GMO corn and what the seeds look like. The one on the left is on a white glove to make the color of the seeds stand out so that the people looking at the seeds can tell weather or not the seed is normal or not.


  1. Tim, you have got a solid thesis and some good images to prove your thesis. You have really nailed the contrast between what GMO products look like and what normal products should look like. But your paragraphs do not really prove what you are saying in your thesis. I believe you should have expanded more on why the quality of GMO products are different from natural products and how that effects the way the government and farmers around the world gain more money by using GMO products. If you used solid proof to explain those things then your blog would have been solid, but your body paragraphs are a different idea to what your introduction dictates to me.

  2. Thanks chany that would have really helped.
