Monday 23 November 2015

Practice Blog Assignment

In what ways is the study of a cultural texts a benefit?

It is beneficial to study texts about other cultures because it allows us to broaden our perspective on other religions, cultures and other peoples views on the way the world works, and provides us with more information on other cultures and countries. For example, while reading "The Kite Runner", a fictional story and cultural text about the life of a Afghani boy, I have learned many things about what life in Afghanistan is like, and their cultural reflects the way they act, communicate, and interact with one another. Before reading "The Kite Runner" I had little to now knowledge about life in Afghanistan, or about the cultures Muslim people follow and customs that they follow within their culture and country, and now after reading "The Kite Runner" I have learned more about these things(cultural, customs etc) which allows me to have a deeper understanding of life in Afghanistan, so that when I am to discuss topics involving life in Afghanistan I am better able to comprehend the conversations better, and provide knowledgeable contributions the discussion.

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