Monday 23 November 2015

Benefits of Studying Cultural Texts

Exploring the Wonders of Different Cultures

                The world is full of a variety of different and beautiful cultures, and it is important for people to understand and learn the different aspects through cultural texts. This can benefit others because it helps people to be more empathetic towards different communities and their customs, decreasing the amount of racism. If people understand how other cultures work, they will treat others equally because they understand how their culture works, which leads them to encourage the expression of that culture rather then judging them for being different. For example, in the novel The Book Thief, the author highlights that there are people who are against Hitler's ideals because they understand how the Jewish people felt during that time. A character named Hans Hubermann makes many rebellious acts against the Nazis because he sees the beauty in the Jewish culture. He hides a Jewish man in his house in attempts to save his life, and Hans allows him to practice his beliefs in his household because he believes in equality should be given to everybody. This shows that learning about different cultures, whether it be though a person or studying cultural texts, can show a deeper understanding for different communities. This can help people to be more empathetic towards different communities, therefore spreading kindness towards people who are usually discriminated against.

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