Tuesday 24 November 2015

In what ways is the study of a cultural texts a benefit?

Engaging in the study of cultural texts allows us to maximize our knowledge on the world we live in. Through the poems, songs, and books we have studied each text uses the past to emphasize the greater issue present worldwide. We portray ourselves as a multicultural nation, but are we really? Maya Angelou’s poem caged bird is an illustration of the inequality that exists within our culture. It epitomizes the struggle of blacks in their quest for equality with whites and fears of repercussions when attempting to voice same. It also offers up a new perspective to the reader of the text. The benefit of studying cultural texts allows insight into areas that normally wouldn't be considered.  

Monday 23 November 2015

Benefits of Studying Cultural Texts

Exploring the Wonders of Different Cultures

                The world is full of a variety of different and beautiful cultures, and it is important for people to understand and learn the different aspects through cultural texts. This can benefit others because it helps people to be more empathetic towards different communities and their customs, decreasing the amount of racism. If people understand how other cultures work, they will treat others equally because they understand how their culture works, which leads them to encourage the expression of that culture rather then judging them for being different. For example, in the novel The Book Thief, the author highlights that there are people who are against Hitler's ideals because they understand how the Jewish people felt during that time. A character named Hans Hubermann makes many rebellious acts against the Nazis because he sees the beauty in the Jewish culture. He hides a Jewish man in his house in attempts to save his life, and Hans allows him to practice his beliefs in his household because he believes in equality should be given to everybody. This shows that learning about different cultures, whether it be though a person or studying cultural texts, can show a deeper understanding for different communities. This can help people to be more empathetic towards different communities, therefore spreading kindness towards people who are usually discriminated against.

In what ways is the study of a cultural text a benefit?

The study of cultural texts benefits us by broadening our understanding of the way other people live,learn, and the struggles and successes of other cultures. From the distress in "Cadged bird" by Maya Angelou to the triumph in "Glory" by John Legend we learn about other peoples fights with cultural oppression and fights against societies highest standards. On certain levels these topics are relateable because everyone is fighting to uphold social standards that are unrealistically set. Whether you read about culture, religion or ethnicity you will have a better understanding of past or current events That have made or world the way that it is.

Practice blog assignment

In what ways is the study of a cultural texts a benefit?

Reading cultural texts are beneficial because they teach people about other cultures around the world involving people living in different societies. "The Kite Runner" is a novel by khaled hosseini about the lifestyle and differences involved when living in Afghanistan compared to North America. It educates people about cultures in another country, being very beneficial towards the reader. Different texts can create a different outlook depending on the person. Whether the outlook is negative or positive, it will still create an educational result on the individual. Another example is the poem "Caged Bird" by Maya Angelo about a free bird and a cage bird. Both birds are representations of people of different ethnicity, teaching people the multiple sides and affects of racism. Giving the reader a better understanding of racial equality.    

In what ways is the study of cultural texts a benefit?

Studying cultural texts is beneficial because we get to learn how our culture differs from the others to better understand them. For example, in the short story "Red Convertible"  a veteran on an Indian reserve is unable to get help with his PTSD and resorts to committing suicide. It's beneficial that we learned about this because we are used to a lot of help with mental health in school and in the media in our culture. However, in the short story we see that living on an Indian reserve people don't have nearly as much access to help with mental health. Therefor, after reading the short story and seeing how our culture differs from theirs we can better understand their culture.

Cultural Texts: 

Cultural texts are a benefit to today society because it gives insight on the cultures. For example, The Kite Runner gives an insight one the Afghani culture and religious ways. In The Kite Runner it shows how the Afghani people treat weddings and the process of the wedding. Plus in The Book Thief, the book gives the view of a young Jewish man. This young Jewish man has to hide in a basement to stay safe because of the Holocaust. 

In what ways is the study of a cultural texts a benefit?

The study of cultural texts is beneficial. By studying cultural texts, one is able to see, both, the good and bad aspects of other cultures and how they contrast one another. These specific characteristics which contrast that of familiar culture can widen one’s insight and, ultimately, affect the way everything and anything is interpreted. For example, in Louise Erdrich’s short story, “The Red Convertible” there is a clear sense of the restraints First Nations people have opposed to modern-day North Americans. Specifically, their access to medical attention and economic stature are highlighted in the short story. In this case, readers gain insight upon the poor living conditions depicted in the story. Hopefully, this depiction further enhances the idea that we, as North Americans, are privileged for the rights we are entitled to.
I believe that the study of cultural texts id a benefit because we get to learn about not just how one lived or was treated but how they felt. For example, in Maya Angelou's poem "Caged Bird" she represents the African American people (which African American isn't even politically correct anymore) as a bird but instead of this bird being free, in the poem they are bound and cut showing the lack of acceptace and understanding of other and the way they live. So by le
 The study of cultural texts benefits people because, studying texts with variety's of cultures helps to open people eyes and gives people perspectives on how other cultures differ from there own. For a example in the Kite Runner shows a culture were little boys are a custom to poverty and violence, where in our society/culture people are no where close to being custom to any events like the ones these kids live through in this novel are. And this is why studying texts that view different cultures is beneficial, because it opens people eyes, and gives people retrospectives on how different cultures really are.

Practice Blog Assignment

In what ways is the study of a cultural texts a benefit?

It is beneficial to study texts about other cultures because it allows us to broaden our perspective on other religions, cultures and other peoples views on the way the world works, and provides us with more information on other cultures and countries. For example, while reading "The Kite Runner", a fictional story and cultural text about the life of a Afghani boy, I have learned many things about what life in Afghanistan is like, and their cultural reflects the way they act, communicate, and interact with one another. Before reading "The Kite Runner" I had little to now knowledge about life in Afghanistan, or about the cultures Muslim people follow and customs that they follow within their culture and country, and now after reading "The Kite Runner" I have learned more about these things(cultural, customs etc) which allows me to have a deeper understanding of life in Afghanistan, so that when I am to discuss topics involving life in Afghanistan I am better able to comprehend the conversations better, and provide knowledgeable contributions the discussion.

In what ways is the study of a cultural texts a benefit?

          Reading cultural texts can not be a benefit because it can give you a false look into other cultures and how they live there lives on a daily basis. To someone who doesn't know anything about a culture, they could believe anything you say and that could lead to false accusations about cultures. As read in the Book Thief not every German resident liked or believed that what Hitler was doing but that's all they talked about in the book. This is why reading cultural texts can not be a Benefit because

         In what ways is the study of cultural texts a benefit?

         Cultural texts are benefits because it demonstrates how there are different types of people in the world
and also shows how each individual is different. During the beginning of this English course we have used many texts such as The Kite Runner. The Kite Runner demonstrates that learning about different cultures are a benefit because in the book is describes how Afghan culture is different from Canadian culture in a sense that we have different

Practice Blog

In what ways is the study of cultural texts a benefit?

Studying cultural texts is beneficial to students because it expands our view on the world and provides us more information on other countries, cultures and religion. While reading 

In what way is the study of a cultural texts a benefit?

Understanding Others,

              Understanding the difference between two totally different cultures and being able to relate or disagree with other cultures is a benefit. The total difference for the choice of whom a man is to marry in "The Kite Runner" it shows the reader how different it is to live in other parts of the world. This is because the Afghanistan people believe that the men    
The study of cultural texts is beneficial because it broadens the view and knowledge of the reader. It broadens the view of the reader exposing them to the roots of different cultural and therefore making them more considerate and understanding. This is proven through both fictional and non-fictional texts. For example
Practice Blog Assignment: Answer the following question in a short blog post.

In what ways is the study of a cultural texts a benefit?